Our Family Picture

Our Family Picture

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My friend received an email from John Boehner last week which is some kind of project to get input from the citizens. People have submitted some good ideas for Congress to implement that will reduce the size of government and cut spending. Whether it goes any place remains to be seen. Being somewhat of a cynic when it comes to the government I have a feeling it might just be so much election rhetoric. Seems like Reagan had a blue ribbon panel that came up with several hundred ideas for cutting government waste but I don’t recall any being implemented. “Bout Them Tea Parties, last night texpat said; “Organization might just be the death of them.” To which the Squawkster said; “Tea Parties are organized enough. The last thing they need is some “identifiable” spokesmen for the dart board.” I agree totally, the Tea Party is really not a Party as we know with the Republicrates they’re actually y the very thing the Framers had in mind when they started this great country. A group of ORDINARY CITIZENS from every walk of live that has ONE thing in common respect, for this Great Country and they are trying to elect people that will go back to the Constitution and just do what is right.  The CATO graphs and linkie that Texpat posted above are very telling. In addition to illustrating the massive spending increases that are a result of Obama’s “spend our way to prosperity” nonsense, they depict the steady growth of spending regardless of which party is driving the train wreck. Expansion of government power and size, as measured by how much of our money they spend, benefits the politicians and the ruling class, not the people, and that is precisely why they spend it. The two parties may work hard to establish their respective “brand images” of conservative or liberal, but in reality both are authoritarian corporatists, parasitically living off of the fruits of our labor. They are not as different as they would have you believe. I also agree with many of the opinions from last night about TPs becoming more “organized.” Forget about it. Let the heards of cats continue wander where they will. They keep the establishment guessing, and so far the parasites have been largely unable to predict their motions or co-opt their structure for their own gain. At the tea parties I’ve attended, I’ve been encouraged about the de-emphasis of social conservatism. It’s still there of course, and at a palpable level (just as with the Ron Paul revolution.) I find this encouraging because social conservatism is what drove me and others away from the republican party almost 10 years ago. Yet, that party has relied on focusing on such things to swindle your vote and money, and once elected returns to their true feathers of big government corporatism. Stick to the basics of good government–protecting our liberty, and behaving fiscally responsible. Forget about the litmus test issues, especially at the federal level. Sometimes, folks are gonna get abortions, whether you like it or not. Cindy and Tracie are gonna be gay whether you like it or not, and btw, them being that way isn’t the end of the world (as some would have you believe.) And of course, Tommy Chong is gonna sell his bongs. He ain’t hurting nobody and of all the incredibly stupid things government has done, a forty year war on drugs with a multi-billion dollar annual budget is simply insane. Call me an optimist. But I’m of the mind that in the presence of individual liberty and economic freedom, for the most part, folks tend to make the right decisions for themselves and their families. We don’t need big brother breathing down our necks, protecting us from our own mis-steps, or sticking their hands in our pants and purses.



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